Saturday, 27 December 2014

Benefits of Drinking More Water

Scientifically speaking, water is the basis of life, but beyond being essential to your very existence, water serves all sorts of purposes that help you feel your absolute best. Your body is made up of around 70% water, which is involved in every bodily function. If you lack water, then your body will try to get moisture from any liquid source in your system. It will automatically tap your blood, cell fluid, intra-cellular fluid, and even your stools and urine. When you're literally draining yourself, you're impacting your physical and mental health and speeding up the aging process.

Below are several very good reasons to boost your water intake:

  1. You'll digest your food better
  2. You'll stay sharp.
  3. You'll have youthful skin.
  4. You'll lower your body fat.
  5. You'll help your body do its job.
  6. Prevent cancer. 
  7. Have less joint pain.
  8. Flush out waste and bacteria.
  9. Prevent headaches. 
  10. building new cells properly.
  11. Water boosts metabolism:
  12. Studies also suggest that drinking one or two glasses of water before a meal can fill you up so you naturally eat less, 
  13. Water boosts your brainpower

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